Saturday, September 03, 2005

World Wide Depression Feared ... US Military Leaders Prepare to Seal Borders
This Russian woman living in England is a compelling writer. What adds to her apocalyptic articles is the fact that English is her second language and so she has a different way of phrasing things. There is no doubt that the language group into which you are born heavily influences your Weltanschauung ('world view' -- just showing off my German there). Go to her home page and read about Canada seeking military protection from Russia as its trade war with its bullying neighbor to the south intensifies. I don't blame the Canadians one bit. It is reported that while the hurricane was hitting, Dark Lord Cheney was in Alberta scouting out the oil tarsands. Although it is not "light sweet crude" Canada has the second largest oil reserves in the world.

Today hundreds of thousands of starving and homeless refugees roam the American Heartland, but as the world has seen from countless examples throughout history of those living under Fascist Military Rule, these Americans have totally subjugated themselves to believing that their solutions lie in giving money to their elites and trusting in their Military to restore and keep order.  It is almost as if these strange people have forgotten what their country was founded for in the first place and the words of warning passed on to them from their First President, George Washington, and who had warned them:

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."


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