Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Galloway vs. The US Senate: Transcript of Statement


One of the stories the neocons try to keep going is the supposed corruption found in the UN 'oil-for-food' program.

Why a government which has 'lost' $8 billion in Iraq in just the last couple of year wants to remind people of corruption or even that the term exists in the dictionary is beyond me.

Also, there more than $1 trillion unaccounted-for in Pentagon appropriations over the last 10 or 15 years.

It's little things like this wihch are why they are working so furiously to cut the remaining strands of the "social safety net." They stole all the money which might have funded such programs. They just stole another $500 billion to fund this year's Pentagon budget plus the cost overruns of the Iraq fiasco.


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